We all have routine ruts. These are the things we do automatically like brushing our teeth and driving to work. Whether due to habit or long practice, routines even keep us from having to think too hard when fixing meals or performing home maintenance and repairs. However, you do occasionally re-examine your approach when the rut begins to feel more like the Grand Canyon and you need more than a ladder to climb out.
Ask yourself these questions to find the answers you need to move out of your routine rut.
• What routine ruts are lurking in these areas of my life?
– Career
– Finances
– Health
– Leisure
– Personal growth
– Relationships
• Which routine rut would I most like to change? Why?
• Which would be hardest to change and why?
• Which routine rut on my list can I change that would benefit myself and everyone involved? (If I can’t think of one where everybody wins, what is its closest contender?)
• What would I do if fear and avoidance are removed from the picture (they are only temporary, after all)?
• Who will I trust to help me explore new possibilities and get out of my routine ruts? (read my post on how to nurture a support system if you don’t have one)
• What have I seen someone else do that really appeals to me right now? What habit or practice will this replace?
• What is my very next step on the ladder I’m building to get out of this rut?
I hope these questions will help you transition out of the routine ruts in your life that have outlived their purposes. Try something new for this stage of your life.