Are you looking for inspirational quotes for new beginnings? In my previous two posts on The Ending and The Fertile Void, I shared some of my favorite quotes for navigating those time periods in a transition. New beginnings are the third in this series.
It’s a long journey through The Ending and The Fertile Void. If you have given yourself plenty of time for quiet introspection, you may begin to wonder when your transition will ever end. I can assure you it will. No matter what you are feeling, you will wake up one day and realize that you are in the stage of new beginnings where you have a shot at happiness and contentment.
New beginnings are complex because you are both starting something new AND experiencing the psychological and emotional aspects of the new beginning. Even if the initial change was highly desirable—like getting the job of your dreams—you still have to adjust to a new work environment, new rules, new responsibilities, new co-workers and bosses (and their personalities and preferences), and perhaps even a new home and new town.
I have a close friend who had been job hunting for a long time and finally was hired by a good company. Even though he was well trained for this new endeavor, he went through substantial adjustments which, at times, have caused him to question his decision. Over time, however, he has realized the benefit of learning new protocols, a new job description and responsibilities, and the names and personalities of colleagues. It was all just part of the transition into his new beginning.
In your transition, allow yourself time for all the adjustments you need. Read how to make a new beginning better. Use these inspirational quotes for new beginnings to guide you.
“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.
That will be the time for a new beginning.”
Louis L’Amour
“Don’t be afraid to start over.
It’s a new chance to build what you want.”
“The secret of change is to focus all your energy
not on fighting the old but building the new.”
“Every new beginning comes from
some other beginning’s end.”
“New beginnings are often
disguised as painful endings.”
Lao Tzu
“If you always do what you’ve always done,
you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”
Henry Ford
Seek inspiration where you can find it then move forward through the transitions of your life and work.