Are You Waiting Until You Retire To Do This?
Are you one of those people who postpone things until you have more time? Are you waiting until you retire to be grateful for family, friends, and the blessings you enjoy now?
Don’t Wait
The holiday season is a time when I begin to think more about all the people, experiences, values, and opportunities in my life for which I am grateful. I truly experience my glass as half full. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to put our lives into perspective. Don’t wait to be thankful for what you have. When you think about the devastation that super storm Sandy has created for those in New York City and New Jersey, you would expect most of them to see their glass as half empty. Even though some may see it that way, I’ve heard others say how grateful they are to be alive. Many intend to stay where they are and rebuild their shattered homes. This speaks to the resilience of Americans.
Thank YOU
In this time of expressing gratitude, I would like to thank you, my Retirement Lifestyle Strategy newsletter reader. You have supported me and my mission to spread the word about the new retirement lifestyle that all of us are ultimately moving towards.
Being Thankful For Family
As the holiday season begins its inevitable journey from November through January, I begin to get a nostalgic feeling. I think about all the wonderful holiday traditions that anchored our family when I was young and how changing times and circumstances have maintained, rearranged, and added to some of these traditions.
I would imagine that these feelings and sentiments are felt by many of us throughout the United States as we make travel plans to visit friends and relatives and begin thinking about what gifts to buy for important people in our lives. Some of us will be preparing special recipes our family has passed down to us. We will, in turn, pass them down to our children.
The closeness of my extended family is illustrated by a tradition that three of us cousins began many years ago. We gather with our spouses each fall in celebration of our birthdays throughout the year. Each time a cousin moves to the Northern Virginia area, they are included along with their spouses in our celebration. This year we had 10 first and second cousins gathered for dinner along with their spouses. Several are retired, some are semi-retired, and others are still working. We are also grateful my dad, who will turn 95 in February, and my 92 year-old aunt, my dad’s only living sibling, were able to join us this year. Even my brother flew in from Florida with his wife to participate in the festivities.
Ever since our gathering, this attitude of gratitude has been on my mind. It made me reflect on all the other good things that I am grateful for including:
- My husband’s and my family
- Good health and a positive attitude
- My dad, who will turn 95 years old in February, 2013
- The education that I was fortunate to have received
- The lifestyle that my husband and I enjoy
- The Italian traditions that will always be a part of who I am
- The volunteer work that I do through Rotary International
- My volunteer work on Alzheimer’s issues with the Alzheimer’s Family Day Center and Arden Courts
- A successful career that has evolved and matured over many years
- Friends and colleagues who encourage and support me in all aspects of my life
- Living in a free country, a country that our veterans fought hard for and that our military continues to fight for every day
Being Thankful For Their Sacrifice
I want to end by elaborating on my gratitude for living in a free country. On November 11, before this newsletter was mailed, we celebrated Veterans Day. For many it was another day off from work or school. For me, it’s always had a more personal meaning. My dad was an Air Force navigator in World War II and my brother was a fighter pilot in the Vietnam War. I also had two uncles who fought in World War II. I am proud of my family’s service to our country and I’m thankful to every veteran and soldier who has served or is currently serving. Words can’t express the gratitude I feel for the sacrifices they have made in their personal and professional lives so we can live in a free country. Please remember them in your prayers as you gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving this year.
Happy Thanksgiving and make sure that you keep that attitude of gratitude all year long. Now go make the best of your life for the rest of your life!
Dee Cascio
Author, speaker, Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Life Coach, Retirement Lifestyle/ReCareer Coach, and Life and Work Transitions Strategies Coach.
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You’ve joined a great group — people who plan to make successful transitions in life and work. May you be inspired to use your strengths and skills to grow in this season and may each transition be your best ever.
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