It’s easy to idealize retirement. To stay rooted in reality and not fall prey to romantic notions about your retirement years, here are some questions to ask yourself—and then act on your answers.
1. What does work provide for you now that you will need to replace in retirement? (For more on this subject, read What Work Provides)
2. How do you plan to coordinate your needs and desires with your partner’s for this next phase of your lives?
3. What is your current “normal” and how might that change to a new normal in retirement?
4. When you think about retirement, are you a realist with the ability to be flexible as you encounter sharp curves and detours in the road ahead?
5. Can you see yourself growing into new routines and accommodating life’s adjustments?
6. How do you handle loss?
If you are unsatisfied with any of your answers to these pre-retirement questions, now is the time to take action so you can enjoy a successful retirement.
Make the best of your life for the rest of your life as you prepare for retirement with Retirement Lifestyle Strategies coaching and resources from Dee Cascio.