Do you feel lonely? You are not alone. In fact, you may be part of a loneliness epidemic. However, before you panic, let’s distinguish between being lonely and being alone. Loneliness is defined as a state of being isolated, solitary, or without friendships and companionship. It is far more than being alone, and it is… [Continue reading] Loneliness epidemic
Life and Work Transition Strategies Blog
Routine ruts
We all have routine ruts. These are the things we do automatically like brushing our teeth and driving to work. Whether due to habit or long practice, routines even keep us from having to think too hard when fixing meals or performing home maintenance and repairs. However, you do occasionally re-examine your approach when the… [Continue reading] Routine ruts
Stuck in a rut? An exercise to get you unstuck
Are you stuck in a rut? You are not alone. This happens to most people at least once in their lives. To prove it, I’d like to share my own “stuck in a rut” story. I began running in my early 20s. I joined a running club in my hometown and used running to stay… [Continue reading] Stuck in a rut? An exercise to get you unstuck
Make a connection with your partner during transitions
During times of transition, the ability to make a connection with others—especially your partner or someone you love—may be the deciding factor in whether or not you make progress and maintain momentum in the pursuit of your dreams. Here are specific tips to get you started on the right track. Communicate clearly Share your hopes… [Continue reading] Make a connection with your partner during transitions
How to keep dreams alive
During any life or work transition, it is important to keep dreams alive. Dreams give us hope and incite us into action. They add color to our existence and, when shared, they also add richness to our relationships. Keep dreams alive during the planning phase of your next transition. Don’t get so caught up in… [Continue reading] How to keep dreams alive
Intentions: why you need an end to create a new beginning
By now, you have probably experienced both success and failure with New Year’s resolutions. If you look closely, the ones that succeeded are often the ones where your intentions were not only good, they marked the end of something. This allowed for a new beginning. If your intentions are not well thought out, it’s easy… [Continue reading] Intentions: why you need an end to create a new beginning
Stop and smell the roses
“Stop and smell the roses” is advice I give myself. I do this not because of an abundance of blossoms surrounding an upcoming holiday but because it is too easy to rush from one challenge or milestone or transition in life to the next without “stopping to smell the sweetness of accomplishments.” If you stop… [Continue reading] Stop and smell the roses
Discover your unique purpose
It’s always a good time to discover your unique purpose. Because it has been a while since I’ve written specifically about the transition to retirement, this post contains frequent references to retirement. However, it’s never too early or too late to find your unique purpose. You can even combine leisure with purpose as I mentioned… [Continue reading] Discover your unique purpose
Core values: define and align them
Here’s how to get started with core values and defining and aligning them with your values. Make a list of core values Do you ever think about your core values? When I did my coach training, I was required to do a Values Inventory Exercise. Reflecting on this, I was impressed by how we explored,… [Continue reading] Core values: define and align them
Create a value-based lifestyle
Are you living a value-based lifestyle? How can you tell? How values are expressed Some people talk openly about their values and what is important to them. Others live their principles and beliefs at home, in their communities, and in the workplace. Some reveal their standards in stories on the news and in social media.… [Continue reading] Create a value-based lifestyle