Work after retirement is a necessity for some and a personal choice for others. As a recareer coach, I help people find meaningful work. Coaching sessions cover information and skills you will need to be successful in securing a new job or finding work after retirement. These topics including • The Re-Career Success Inventory •… [Continue reading] Work after retirement
Life and Work Transition Strategies Blog
Encore careers–learn more
Encore careers let you pursue your passion. An encore career may be perfect for your retirement years. If you are thinking of recareering because you have been laid off, have lost your passion for the work you currently do, or need more of a challenge in this season of your life, explore this option. Learn… [Continue reading] Encore careers–learn more
What is recareering?
Recareering means “changing careers.” This change can occur in mid-life or even post-retirement for any number of reasons. You may retire and then decide to try a new work experience completely different from what you did in your previous career. This new endeavor might be less stressful or it might be more exciting! Some people… [Continue reading] What is recareering?
A retirement planning strategy
You need a retirement planning strategy to achieve the retirement of your dreams. Wishing will not fulfill your desires, and you simply don’t know the future or how much time you have left to achieve your goals and create your legacy. Planning and strategizing for the precious time you do have will leave you with… [Continue reading] A retirement planning strategy
Practice planning for retirement
Planning for retirement takes practice or it can feel overwhelming, especially if you are a perfectionist. Instead of expecting instant perfection of yourself and others, practice planning for retirement by applying skills you already use in other areas of your life. Over the past six years, our family has enjoyed a week-long summer reunion at… [Continue reading] Practice planning for retirement
Leisure with purpose and meaning
Leisure with purpose and meaning is what makes retirement for the Boomer generation different than the retirements of previous generations. For our parents and grandparents, there was little distinction between being on vacation and being retired. Because a vacation is a great way to “vacate” the busy, stressful activities of daily living and just relax,… [Continue reading] Leisure with purpose and meaning
Leisure activities
The leisure activities you cultivate now could affect your happiness in retirement so don’t wait to start a hobby, begin volunteering or mentoring, or explore the arts. Consider the pursuits you enjoy now and evaluate whether or not you have a balance between these kinds of leisure activities and interests: • Social Activities Engaging in… [Continue reading] Leisure activities
Where to go for lifelong learning
You want to stay engaged, interesting, and informed in your retirement years. Do you know where to go for lifelong learning? Check • Accredited online programs • Colleges and universities near you • Lecture series in your community • LinkedIn’s • Organizations that prepare you to recareer or develop new skills • Osher Lifelong… [Continue reading] Where to go for lifelong learning
Lifelong learning and youthfulness
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Henry Ford Youthfulness is a state of mind. Many have searched for the fountain of youth. Lifelong learning, while not an actual fountain, can help you maintain your youthfulness. A love of learning also helps you retain your… [Continue reading] Lifelong learning and youthfulness
Keep moving—exercise!
Back in 2008, when I first wrote about the importance of exercise and physical activity in preparation for retirement, I encouraged readers to adopt positive health practices. It’s still not too late—no matter what your life stage—to begin taking better care of your body with these tried-and-true practices: • Exercise after getting a medical check… [Continue reading] Keep moving—exercise!