Do you know how to make financial provisions for funding your retirement and the retirement lifestyle you desire? First you need to • Know exactly where your money comes from and where it goes right now • Project your post-retirement income • Determine “must-haves” for your retirement lifestyle • Work through the lists in Ready… [Continue reading] Funding your retirement lifestyle
Life and Work Transition Strategies Blog
Optimism in retirement
Develop realistic optimism in retirement and life. Retirement coaching can help. Make the best of your life for the rest of your life as you prepare for retirement with Retirement Lifestyle Strategies coaching and resources from Dee Cascio.
Carry your Independence Day celebration into retirement
As you prepare to celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, consider what makes this holiday special to you. Is it • The freedoms we enjoy in this country • Gathering with family and friends • Time off from work • Continuing holiday traditions like picnics by the lake, fireworks in the park, or running a 5K… [Continue reading] Carry your Independence Day celebration into retirement
Independence in retirement
Your independence in retirement will be affected by the planning you do and the choices you make. Find out if you are ready by working through the exercises in Ready To Retire? Successful Retirement Planning To Make The Best Of The Rest Of Your Life* or contact me for coaching. Make the best of your… [Continue reading] Independence in retirement
What will you DO when you retire?
What will you do when you retire from work? • Volunteer? • Start a business? • Work part-time? • Learn something new? • Give back? One of the easiest ways to determine what to do after retirement is to look at what gives purpose and meaning to your life now. Can you carry that into… [Continue reading] What will you DO when you retire?
What do you think of when I say “social” and “retirement”?
Mention the word “social” and the word “retirement” in the same breath, and most people think “Social Security.” Almost no one thinks “social media for seniors” although this is a growing opportunity to make connections outside of work. • How will you maintain your social connections when you no longer report to work? • What… [Continue reading] What do you think of when I say “social” and “retirement”?
Healthy retirement: don’t wait for retirement to take care of your health
Are you taking care of your health now or waiting until you retire? Don’t wait! Years of good health habits will give you years of health benefits. However, once your health has been compromised, you may not recover enough to truly enjoy retirement. Some steps you can take before you retire—even if you think you… [Continue reading] Healthy retirement: don’t wait for retirement to take care of your health
What will you do when you retire?
Many retirees miss the 9-5 structure and clearly planned activities of the workplace. Plan now to fill those hours with meaningful activities in retirement by looking at how you live your life now. What hobbies, leisure activities, and social events do you want to pursue in retirement? List the activities you enjoy now that you… [Continue reading] What will you do when you retire?
Planning for retirement is planning for a positive life transition
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Don’t let this happen to you in retirement. Planning for retirement is a good way to make it a positive life transition and also make it your dream retirement. When should you start planning for retirement? Ideally, you should start considering your retirement lifestyle options at least 5-10… [Continue reading] Planning for retirement is planning for a positive life transition
Have you determined what the retirement of your dreams looks like?
Unlike your parents and grandparents, you may have 20 to 30 years of life after retirement. How do you dream of spending those years? Will you • Become an inventor • Develop hobbies and interests outside work • Improve your health • Mentor others • Relax to a life of leisure • Spend time with… [Continue reading] Have you determined what the retirement of your dreams looks like?