Acts of love abound around Valentine’s Day. While Valentine’s Day is often depicted as a young lovers’ holiday, a You Tube video that went viral a number of years ago showed that love knows no age limits. I remember it because it was profoundly touching. The video showed an older gentleman expressing love and patience… [Continue reading] Acts of love
Life and Work Transition Strategies Blog
Better goals for every stage of life
With better goals, you can achieve so much more. In “Life-long goals give meaning and purpose,” I talked about the importance of life-long goals instead of New Year’s resolutions, which may be quickly discarded. Here’s more about goal-setting. I encourage you to consider these six Life Areas when setting goals: • Career/Work • Health and… [Continue reading] Better goals for every stage of life
Life-long goals give meaning and purpose
Have you created life-long goals that give meaning and purpose to your life? I am not talking about New Year’s resolutions. You can decide to change something in your life at any time. In fact, I recommend you set goals throughout the year. Choose to keep setting goals throughout your lifetime that will move you… [Continue reading] Life-long goals give meaning and purpose
Gratitude and values-based decisions
Have you made values-based decisions recently? We make these kinds of choices throughout our lives. • When, where, how, and why will you spend time with family and friends? • Will you be present for a grandchild’s, niece’s or nephew’s birth or graduation? A funeral of a co-worker or their spouse? • Does an adult… [Continue reading] Gratitude and values-based decisions
Wishes for the holiday season
May your holiday season be filled with love, laughter, and all you hold dear. As you go through the holidays into the new year, may you be able to hold tight to precious memories, let go of limiting behaviors and attitudes, and set your mind to accomplish all you desire. Face life and work transitions… [Continue reading] Wishes for the holiday season
Old traditions, new traditions
Old traditions and new traditions are very much a part of any holiday. This is especially true in the season between Thanksgiving and the new year. This is an excellent time to make plans to spend time with family and friends and to leave a legacy. Do you celebrate old traditions passed on for generations… [Continue reading] Old traditions, new traditions
The challenge of role reversal with aging parents
Role reversal with aging parents can be challenging to navigate. You, as the caregiver, want what is best for them. However, many of our parents cling to their independence, and understandably so. I remember when my dad, who at the time was in his late 80s, had several fender benders and we were worried that… [Continue reading] The challenge of role reversal with aging parents
Caring for aging parents
Over the years, I have had conversations with friends and relatives who are faced with serious concerns about caring for aging parents. Some are boomers who live close to their parents. Others live in different states than their parents and must travel quite a distance just to see them. If a parent is in another… [Continue reading] Caring for aging parents
Be prepared to care for elderly parents
To be proactive in caring for elderly parents now or later, I would like you to consider some questions. Their answers could help you be prepared for the future. • Is your parent willing to have this “next stage of life” conversation with you in preparation for when they will need more care? • If… [Continue reading] Be prepared to care for elderly parents
Conditions for a successful retirement
In retirement, there is no “One Size Fits All” for a successful retirement. What many of us want and ultimately choose is very personal to each one of us, even within a marriage. One spouse may have some expectations that are different from the other spouse. Regardless of the variations in lifestyles, it is how… [Continue reading] Conditions for a successful retirement