Our grandparents didn’t think about the challenges of living longer but, because of all the medical advances over the last fifty years, we have the wonderful gift of longevity. Life expectancy in the early 1900s was forty-seven years. A person born today can expect a life expectancy of seventy-nine years. For boomers between the ages… [Continue reading] How to navigate the challenges of living longer
Archives for Health and Wellness
This holiday season
Normally, I would post a simple holiday greeting today. However, there is so much not-normal about this year, isn’t there? While I continue to wish you a joyous Christmas and holiday season, I acknowledge that your circumstances may make that challenging. This holiday season may look different for you than it has in the past.… [Continue reading] This holiday season
Brain health and what you can do about it
How is your brain health? This time of year, some people are sad because they are missing family members or because of lack of sunlight. Others are overwhelmed with the number of tasks that need to be completed in a certain amount of time either because of a holiday, an end-of-year deadline, or assignments they… [Continue reading] Brain health and what you can do about it
Keep moving—exercise!
Back in 2008, when I first wrote about the importance of exercise and physical activity in preparation for retirement, I encouraged readers to adopt positive health practices. It’s still not too late—no matter what your life stage—to begin taking better care of your body with these tried-and-true practices: • Exercise after getting a medical check… [Continue reading] Keep moving—exercise!
What physical activity will you carry into retirement?
Physical activity is crucial throughout life so start now to get training and learn skills you will want to carry over into your retirement years. As I mentioned in Successful Retirement Planning, I have been a runner and then a walker for most of my life. I have a good friend who has been ice… [Continue reading] What physical activity will you carry into retirement?
Wellness screenings before retirement
Employers and employees have mixed feelings about wellness screenings. The benefits for employees • Screenings are often company subsidized, reducing the cost to the employee • Participation may also result in a monthly reduction in the cost of medical insurance • If health is not optimal, health insurance and health management programs may be available… [Continue reading] Wellness screenings before retirement
Improve your health before you retire
How can you improve your health before you retire? • Take advantage of company-sponsored health screenings • Participate in employer-provided health management programs • Explore healthy food options in the cafeteria or pack your own lunch • Keep healthy snacks in your desk at work and in your kitchen at home • Inquire about holding… [Continue reading] Improve your health before you retire
Healthy retirement: don’t wait for retirement to take care of your health
Are you taking care of your health now or waiting until you retire? Don’t wait! Years of good health habits will give you years of health benefits. However, once your health has been compromised, you may not recover enough to truly enjoy retirement. Some steps you can take before you retire—even if you think you… [Continue reading] Healthy retirement: don’t wait for retirement to take care of your health
Do you recognize the arenas of change in retirement?
As each of us transitions to retirement, our ability to deal with change becomes even more important and necessary. Your career will change either because you have to retire or because you have decided to try something different. Once you have made this change, you may decide that you want to work part time, volunteer… [Continue reading] Do you recognize the arenas of change in retirement?