As a Retirement Lifestyle Coach who helps those making life and work transitions, I have written numerous articles, blog posts, newsletters, and books on various topics and concepts related to retirement lifestyle planning. My message has been to encourage everyone to begin planning for their retirement 3 to 5 years before it actually happens. I… [Continue reading] A retirement lifestyle coach and you
Archives for Retirement Lifestyle Strategies
Balance in retirement can be key to happiness
Balance in retirement is more important than the style of retirement you choose. It can be the key to your happiness. Best-Kept Secret Even though our generation is thriving as we age, there’s a reality that begins to set in over time. That reality is we really don’t have to or don’t want to work… [Continue reading] Balance in retirement can be key to happiness
Retirement then and now—what has changed?
I know about the greatest generation’s retirement and retirement then and now. My dad retired in 1980 at 62 years of age, still a young and vibrant man. His retirement, like many in his generation, was to rest and pursue leisure activities. He had this mindset because few from his generation expected to live more… [Continue reading] Retirement then and now—what has changed?
Steps to take before relocating for retirement
This is a short list of some of the steps to take before relocating for retirement. If you read “Failsafe retirement planning advice” or “Resources for those curious about the best place to retire,” you know there is much to consider in choosing a retirement location. The book entitled Repacking Your Bags: Lighten Your Load… [Continue reading] Steps to take before relocating for retirement
Failsafe retirement planning advice
We all want failsafe retirement planning advice. In previous newsletters and blogs, I’ve discussed that old adage “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” I have frequently seen examples of “failure to plan for retirement” in my personal and professional experiences. It has nothing to do with how intelligent, educated, creative, or resourceful you are.… [Continue reading] Failsafe retirement planning advice
Resources for those curious about the best place to retire
Planning to relocate and looking for the best place to retire? I researched some factors to consider in “Where to live in retirement” and “Retirement living choices when deciding where to retire.” These nationally-known sources provide their own lists of “bests” and resources for retirement living. Keep in mind that the creators of these lists… [Continue reading] Resources for those curious about the best place to retire
Retirement living choices when deciding where to retire
You have retirement living choices when deciding where to retire. You can decide to stay in place, purchase a second home, or move your primary residence to another city or state. There is no easy or correct answer for WHERE to live in retirement. You have your own dreams, desires, needs, and responsibilities when deciding… [Continue reading] Retirement living choices when deciding where to retire
Where to live in retirement
Have you thought about where to live in retirement? Most of my retirement coaching practice these days involves working with individuals and couples on their lifestyle retirement planning. While each person’s situation is unique, we invariably begin our discussions with the two subjects: WHEN and WHERE. The WHEN conversation is usually not about financial concerns.… [Continue reading] Where to live in retirement
How not to lose your memory
If you or someone you love has become forgetful, these tips on how not to lose your memory are for you. In my “Are you losing your memory?” post, I mentioned encouraging research that showed this is not an inevitable part of life or aging. Our generation has been one of boundless energy, advanced education,… [Continue reading] How not to lose your memory
Are you losing your memory?
Are you losing your memory? How often do you have a thought and, before you know it, it’s gone? Do you enter a room to get something and, all of a sudden, realize you are standing there looking for who-knows-what? Sometimes I have to go back to where I started to remember what I was… [Continue reading] Are you losing your memory?