Elements of life transitions include roles, values, and self-understanding. Here’s how these elements may play out in your life. Roles We all experience a variety of different roles during our lives—child, parent, employee, friend, neighbor, volunteer, etc. With each life transition, we may face a shift in roles again. If you are the parent of… [Continue reading] Elements of life transitions
Archives for Retirement Lifestyle Strategies
Expect the unexpected in life transitions
Life transitions are present at every age in human development. Careers, events, feelings, relationships, roles, organizations, and understanding are just a few of the things that transition or change during our lives. Now the transition model developed by William Bridges—the author, workshop presenter, and researcher who defined the three stages of transitions people move through… [Continue reading] Expect the unexpected in life transitions
Goals and the things you didn’t do
“20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the things that you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain. To make sure your list of things you… [Continue reading] Goals and the things you didn’t do
Set goals throughout your year
Many people make New Year’s resolutions, never imagining that any time of year is a good time to plan, set goals, and make changes. This is especially true when you realize all the good you can accomplish by taking action. Prior to retirement, you may have set financial goals so you could afford a certain… [Continue reading] Set goals throughout your year
How well are you prepared for the unexpected in retirement?
No one is ever 100% ready for the unexpected in retirement or for their own death or the death of a spouse. However, there are some healthy ways that you can prepare yourself for the unexpected changes all of us will face during our lifetime. Anticipate 1. Your actual retirement date Are you working toward… [Continue reading] How well are you prepared for the unexpected in retirement?
Ask these pre-retirement questions
It’s easy to idealize retirement. To stay rooted in reality and not fall prey to romantic notions about your retirement years, here are some questions to ask yourself—and then act on your answers. 1. What does work provide for you now that you will need to replace in retirement? (For more on this subject, read… [Continue reading] Ask these pre-retirement questions
Change or keep for retirement?
As you anticipate and plan for the “new normal” life you will have in retirement, remember “there is life after work and work after retirement. You get to choose.” Pick well as you decide what you will change and what you will keep for retirement. To help you make the best choices regarding life after… [Continue reading] Change or keep for retirement?
Planning a new normal in retirement
Are you flexible and open to change? If so, you are already better prepared than many people for the dramatic changes that occur when you retire. But what if you have idealized or romanticized this new season of your life? Will travel, time with your grandchildren, or the freedom to watch hours of TV or… [Continue reading] Planning a new normal in retirement
Your attitude toward retirement?
What is your attitude toward retirement? Is it • Shaped by the media? • Influenced by your personality and your temperament? • A “glass half empty” or a “glass half full”? • Such a positive time in life that you could be saying “my glass is way too small”? • A time to explore new… [Continue reading] Your attitude toward retirement?
Carry your Independence Day celebration into retirement
As you prepare to celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, consider what makes this holiday special to you. Is it • The freedoms we enjoy in this country • Gathering with family and friends • Time off from work • Continuing holiday traditions like picnics by the lake, fireworks in the park, or running a 5K… [Continue reading] Carry your Independence Day celebration into retirement