Your independence in retirement will be affected by the planning you do and the choices you make. Find out if you are ready by working through the exercises in Ready To Retire? Successful Retirement Planning To Make The Best Of The Rest Of Your Life* or contact me for coaching. Make the best of your… [Continue reading] Independence in retirement
Archives for Retirement Lifestyle Strategies
What will you DO when you retire?
What will you do when you retire from work? • Volunteer? • Start a business? • Work part-time? • Learn something new? • Give back? One of the easiest ways to determine what to do after retirement is to look at what gives purpose and meaning to your life now. Can you carry that into… [Continue reading] What will you DO when you retire?
Planning for retirement is planning for a positive life transition
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Don’t let this happen to you in retirement. Planning for retirement is a good way to make it a positive life transition and also make it your dream retirement. When should you start planning for retirement? Ideally, you should start considering your retirement lifestyle options at least 5-10… [Continue reading] Planning for retirement is planning for a positive life transition
Have you determined what the retirement of your dreams looks like?
Unlike your parents and grandparents, you may have 20 to 30 years of life after retirement. How do you dream of spending those years? Will you • Become an inventor • Develop hobbies and interests outside work • Improve your health • Mentor others • Relax to a life of leisure • Spend time with… [Continue reading] Have you determined what the retirement of your dreams looks like?
Where will you get sound retirement planning advice?
Do an online search for “retirement planning” and you can have 21 million results in .3 seconds but whom can you trust? Friends can certainly make recommendations, share their tales of triumph and woe, and even invite you along on their retirement adventure. Unless your dreams are identical, don’t follow their plan or you will… [Continue reading] Where will you get sound retirement planning advice?
What are your top priorities for retirement?
If you have spent years in a job that enabled you to support your family and feel fulfilled, now is time to set aside some personal time for self-reflection. You need to decide what is truly important to you and then set your priorities so you can enjoy a fulfilling retirement. Check the items that… [Continue reading] What are your top priorities for retirement?
Do you know what you don’t know about retirement planning?
Anytime you begin exploring a new topic or learning a new skill, it is always helpful to have a teacher, coach, mentor, or friend to help you because you don’t automatically know • Where to start • The best and worst times to start • The best resources • The true experts in the field… [Continue reading] Do you know what you don’t know about retirement planning?
Where do you want to be 1 year from now?
If you have done little or no retirement planning up to this point in your life, make a commitment to prepare in at least one of these areas: • Career and work • Health and wellness • Finances • Family and relationships • Leisure and social • Personal development If you have begun planning for… [Continue reading] Where do you want to be 1 year from now?
Have a comment or question?
Do you have a question about planning for retirement? Do you have a comment about something you’ve read here in this Retirement Lifestyle Strategies blog? E-mail me with your feedback using the “Email Dee” link in the box you’ll find at the top of the right column on every page. Depending on the topic, I’ll… [Continue reading] Have a comment or question?
Are you really ready to retire?
If you have a good pension fund or 401(k), you may think you are financially ready to retire. If you feel underappreciated and overworked in your current job or long to spend more time with those you love, you may feel emotionally ready to retire. Know with certainty that you have prepared for the best… [Continue reading] Are you really ready to retire?