If you are asking “Where do I go from here?” in your retirement journey, you are not alone. This post looks at some of those who have had to answer this question before you. I usually read the AARP magazine each month and hold onto them for a while to get inspiration and information for… [Continue reading] Where do I go from here? Case studies
Archives for Transitions
How to use values-based decision-making
Do you use values-based decision-making in your life and work? This may not seem like an important consideration in your day-to-day decisions, the little things that have few if any consequences. But what if you were facing a life-altering event? In my mid-fifties, I had to face the question “What is really important to me… [Continue reading] How to use values-based decision-making
Choose your values before they affect your decisions
I encourage you to choose your values. But if you have ever considered the question “where do values come from?” you know that there is no simple answer. When we are young, our decision-making and values are guided by our families and caregivers. As we get older, the circle expands to include peers, people we… [Continue reading] Choose your values before they affect your decisions
Reflections for moving forward during times of transition
Reflections for moving forward during times of transition all depend on one common denominator: you. You must take time to reflect on what you want to happen during a transition. Your success depends on identifying what has worked well for you and what has failed to serve your purpose in the past. (Check out the… [Continue reading] Reflections for moving forward during times of transition
Repeating history or moving forward through a transition?
Are you simply repeating history as you go through life and work transitions? Change, and the transition that follows change, happens to all of us in countless positive and negative ways. Caring for ailing family members, college entrance, death, divorce, graduation, leaving home, marriage, a new job, parenthood, retirement—it’s easy to follow the example of… [Continue reading] Repeating history or moving forward through a transition?
A positive mindset for the holidays and a lifetime
Having a positive mindset is a matter of consciously turning negatives into positives. You can apply this to your life during the holiday season and throughout your life. First consider • What are your emotions telling you? • How do you view the people around you? • What are you looking forward to? • What… [Continue reading] A positive mindset for the holidays and a lifetime
Is there a negativity gene?
Is there a negativity gene causing you to dread change and transition? It is possible. According to “Genes For Emotion-Enhanced Remembering Are Linked To Enhanced Perceiving,” a study led by Rebecca Todd and published in Psychological Science, almost 50% of people of Caucasian background have the ADRA2b gene that predisposes them to perceive negativity in… [Continue reading] Is there a negativity gene?
In this season of thanksgiving
In this season of thanksgiving, may your life and work transitions be successful because you are • Surrounded by supportive family and friends • Learning more about yourself and growing in the process • Caring not only for others but also for yourself • Confident in your abilities and skills to face a new normal… [Continue reading] In this season of thanksgiving
How to manage emotions and feelings during a transition
How you manage emotions and feelings during times of change may affect how long the transition process takes and the success of your transition to a new normal after a life-altering change. Take these steps. Learn to manage emotions Begin by understanding your emotions. Read more about Emotional Intelligence and then make decisions about how… [Continue reading] How to manage emotions and feelings during a transition
How to use emotions to help with transitions
After a change in your life or work, you can use emotions to help with the transition that follows. Use DENIAL AND SHOCK to ease yourself into the grieving process after any loss. Whether your loss is personal or professional—the loss of a loved one through death or divorce or the loss of a job—you… [Continue reading] How to use emotions to help with transitions