To experience a fertile void, you need to be in that in-between space between letting go of the past and embracing your new life and future. This can happen after major life events like
• Becoming responsible for aging parents
• Divorce
• Illness
• Job loss
• Marriage or remarriage
• Moving
• Starting a family
• Becoming empty nesters
When you experience a fertile void, you may feel unclear, anxious, or confused. You may feel empowered to use the time for building relationships, creativity, exploration, and reflection. Most likely, you will feel both if you want your void to be fertile. Give yourself enough time to reflect on where you have been and where you want to go.
Don’t let anyone impose their “solutions” on your fertile void just to hurry you along. You are unique and your situation, your process, your decisions, and the components of your future happiness are all your own. Similarly, don’t lose patience with a friend or loved one who is stuck after going through a difficult time. Let others experience a fertile void for themselves so they can create a new beginning that is perfect for them, for their circumstances, and for their happiness, even if it doesn’t suit you.
If you experience a fertile void, you may also
• Assess your skills
• Build supportive relationships
• Find your purpose
• Gather information
• Identify strengths you can use in your new beginning
• Learn more about yourself
• Practice better self-care
• Reflect deeply on the past
• Unleash your own creativity
Truly experience a fertile void, don’t just gloss over it, circumvent it, or zip through it. This will leave you feeling incomplete and reticent about moving forward. Embrace the uncertainty and confusion with courage, determination, and patience and you will find renewed clarity and energy.