Do you know how to make financial provisions for funding your retirement and the retirement lifestyle you desire? First you need to
• Know exactly where your money comes from and where it goes right now
• Project your post-retirement income
• Determine “must-haves” for your retirement lifestyle
• Work through the lists in Ready To Retire? Successful Retirement Planning To Make The Best Of The Rest Of Your Life
• Add extras as your finances allow
• Look at cost of living for multiple locations you might consider calling home
• Factor in rising healthcare costs
• Consider ways you might supplement your income—recareering, public speaking, a part-time job, recurring income from royalties
• Create a budget that allows you to live debt-free
• Consult with your accountant, your financial advisor, and your life retirement coach to make sure you haven’t missed any important details
Make the best of your life for the rest of your life as you prepare for retirement with Retirement Lifestyle Strategies coaching and resources from Dee Cascio.
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