Men and women are attracted to each other for many reasons. Some of the factors of attraction are looks, chemistry, intelligence, the ability to laugh and have fun, kindness, and dependability.
Some people have a part within themselves that is dormant, and they try to find that complementary part in their partner. This helps to create and sustain the attraction. For example, one partner might have the ability to express deep feelings while the other is great at thinking through a situation. If the feeling spouse increases their ability to express thoughts and ideas while the thinking spouse works on developing the capacity to feel and be sensitive to other’s feelings, their relationship will grow over time.
Couples unwilling or unable to change will begin to experience resentments within the marriage and their individual needs will remain unfulfilled. Growth comes when each person can develop in themselves what they admire most in the other.
What attracted you to your spouse? How can you sustain and deepen that attraction into your Golden Years?