No one is ever 100% ready for the unexpected in retirement or for their own death or the death of a spouse. However, there are some healthy ways that you can prepare yourself for the unexpected changes all of us will face during our lifetime. Anticipate
1. Your actual retirement date
Are you working toward a specific retirement date? If so, how far out are you?
Is this date set because of a mandatory retirement age or your health?
Is the date unknown but inevitable because of ongoing downsizing in your company or the trend to outsource work to cut costs?
2. Activities to look forward to in retirement
What are your favorite activities?
What activities can you do with your partner?
Without your partner?
Which are work-related?
Which are just for fun?
3. Strong relationships
How will you nurture relationships with family and friends after you retire?
Which of these relationships are reciprocal, engaging, and healthy?
4. Excellent health
What forms of exercise do you enjoy or engage in consistently?
What can you add when you retire?
Is your diet balanced so you will remain healthy and strong?
What can you improve?
5. The ability to handle loss
Are you able to reach out to family and friends when faced with the terminal illness of a loved one?
Can you embrace caregiving as your way of honoring the one you love and your life together before you say goodbye? If not, what can you do?
6. Explicit final wishes
Have you discussed your final wishes with your loved ones?
Have you prepared and signed the documents that will make it easier for your health care proxy, your power of attorney, and those handling your estate?
If you answer these questions and incorporate the answers into your life, you will be better prepared for any unexpected changes in your retirement.
Make the best of your life for the rest of your life as you prepare for retirement with Retirement Lifestyle Strategies coaching and resources from Dee Cascio.