When I began my teaching career, inspirational quotes for challenging situations were a love of mine. This wisdom from those who had gone before me helped me grow and mature as I incorporated them into my life and work. My collection of quotes was especially meaningful because I first taught in the same school I had attended as a student. The teacher’s desk in my classroom had a glass top to protect the wood from scratches. It was under this glass top that I placed the inspirational quotes that would inspire and motivate me throughout the day. My collection of quotes covered challenging situations I was facing, relationship issues with friends and family, and the transitions I was personally going through at the time. Each one played a part in getting me through those changes, challenges, and transitions.
Now, years later, I still have inspirational quotes for challenging situations on my office desk. Here are several quotes that have inspired me and motivated me to keep going during some of the most difficult, challenging times of my life.
“Opportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Thomas Edison
“Do you know what happens when
you give a procrastinator a good idea?
Donald Gardner
“Remember, what’s happened to you is not nearly
as important as what’s happened inside of you.”
The following are my favorite inspirational quotes for challenging situations that arise during The Ending, the first part of any transition. This, as I have written previously, is the stage where one needs to grieve and let go gracefully.
“The truth is- unless you let go,
unless you forgive yourself,
unless you forgive the situation,
unless you realize that the situation is over,
you cannot move forward.”
Steve Maraboli
“Some people believe holding on and hanging on
are signs of great strength.
However, there are times when it takes much more strength
to know when to let go and then do it.”
Ann Landers
“Without freedom from the past,
there is no freedom at all.”
“Forget what hurt you but
never forget what it taught you.”
Shannon L. Alder
“In the process of letting go
you will lose many things,
but you will find yourself.”
Deepak Chopra
What inspirational quotes for challenging situations would you add to this list?