The leisure activities you cultivate now could affect your happiness in retirement so don’t wait to start a hobby, begin volunteering or mentoring, or explore the arts. Consider the pursuits you enjoy now and evaluate whether or not you have a balance between these kinds of leisure activities and interests:
• Social Activities
Engaging in interpersonal interactions with friends, family, colleagues, and new acquaintances from casual to planned or organized
• Spectating
Watching others participate in an activity/sport
• Creative Expression
Hobbies that help you discover your creative talents in art, cooking, writing, music, etc.
• Intellectual Stimulation
Interests that stimulate and enhance your mind and creative thinking like reading, taking classes, attending lectures, learning something new, etc.
• Physical Exercise
Any endeavor that invites you to move your body for physical fitness, creative expression, and everyday movements
• Solitary Pursuits
Pastimes that are done alone like reading, video games, bird watching, etc.
Where can you create more balance in your leisure activities? To further explore leisure in retirement, read Ready To Retire? Successful Retirement Planning To Make The Best Of The Rest Of Your Life
Make the best of your life for the rest of your life as you prepare for retirement with Retirement Lifestyle Strategies coaching and resources from Dee Cascio.
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