Leisure with purpose and meaning is what makes retirement for the Boomer generation different than the retirements of previous generations. For our parents and grandparents, there was little distinction between being on vacation and being retired. Because a vacation is a great way to “vacate” the busy, stressful activities of daily living and just relax, enjoying the time away and experiencing bliss, it’s only natural that many think this is the way retirement should and will be. However, this is the “old concept,” popularized in the in the 50s, 60s, and 70s of a retirement to leisure.
Consider how you can add purpose and meaning to your existing or planned-for-the-future leisure social, spectator, creative, intellectual, physical, and solitary activities.
• Who can you purposely engage in conversation?
• Who would enjoy hearing from you?
• What sort of social gathering can you enjoy outside of work hours?
• What sports make you feel good about the human race?
• Whom do you cheer for or with?
• Do you have a hobby that makes a difference in someone else’s life?
• Is your hobby helping you create a legacy?
• What kind of learning gives you purpose and meaning?
• What recent books, talks, or classes have helped you make a difference in the world?
• How are you being purposeful about your health?
• What gives meaning to your time alone?
Make the best of your life for the rest of your life as you prepare for retirement with Retirement Lifestyle Strategies coaching and resources from Dee Cascio.