With My Thanks
I send this with my thanks for your continued partnership with me and the Retirement Lifestyle Strategies community. Thank you for…
- Reading these newsletters
- Asking meaningful questions
- Taking action
- Sharing your stories
- Requesting more retirement lifestyle resources
To embrace the season with gratitude, consider the following:
- Reflect on this past year and make a list of all of the things that you are grateful for and why. Begin to experience an emotional shift.
- Spend time with positive people who know how to make lemonade out of lemons and have the resilience to bounce back over time.
- Continue to make plans and set goals for your future whether you are planning for retirement or are already retired.
- Focus on the good aspects of you retirement and the gifts that you have been given. Spend time developing those gifts i.e. learn to play an instrument, study a language, develop your physical fitness, improve your bridge game, volunteer, take a class.
- Have fun, laugh, and appreciate the qualities in yourself and others that will help you keep your positive attitude.
May you have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and throughout your life as you make the best of your life for the rest of your life.
Dee Cascio
Author, speaker, Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Life Coach, Retirement Lifestyle/ReCareer Coach, and Life and Work Transitions Strategies Coach.
The Life and Work Transitions Community
You’ve joined a great group — people who plan to make successful transitions in life and work. May you be inspired to use your strengths and skills to grow in this season and may each transition be your best ever.
Want more help for your life and work transitions?
Check out the Life and Work Transitions Strategies blog
Ready To Retire? Successful Retirement Planning To Make The Best Of The Rest Of Your Life