Whatever has inspired you to make changes to improve your personal, professional, and community life, you need to be aware of these key points going forward.
• Reflection on the past will help you assess what, if anything, you want to do differently—this leads to better decisions
• Change usually requires a transitional period or emotional adjustment so be patient—if you rush the process, you may stunt your opportunity for growth
In your personal life
• You will have to adopt a different mindset and new perspective when adjusting to new circumstances like entering a new stage in life, the death of a loved one, a divorce, etc.
• While you personally go through so much change, you may question other aspects of your life and you may wonder why everyone else’s life seems to be progressing as usual
• Seek professional and family support so you can grieve, and so your grief won’t hold you back
In your professional life
• Changes related to work are becoming more common as companies reorganize
• Employees can no longer expect to work for one company for life so changing positions, employers, and even careers are to be expected
• Pursuing a retirement career is also a viable option
• Before moving on, you need to determine if your skills were underutilized or if you were unmotivated—and choose a new position accordingly
In your community life
• Community life is everything outside of career, family, and personal life
• Change—in the leadership of an organization, in the crime rate in the area, in growth/development—may be beyond your control
• Change in community affects everyone so focus on what you appreciate
As you seek to improve your personal, professional, and community life, remember that any change benefits from both reflection and transition. Reflect on what has worked in the past and what you would like to improve in the future. Allow yourself a period of transition to adjust to change instead of plowing ahead, pretending all is right with the world.