Do an online search for “retirement planning” and you can have 21 million results in .3 seconds but whom can you trust? Friends can certainly make recommendations, share their tales of triumph and woe, and even invite you along on their retirement adventure. Unless your dreams are identical, don’t follow their plan or you will… [Continue reading] Where will you get sound retirement planning advice?
dee cascio
Have a comment or question?
Do you have a question about planning for retirement? Do you have a comment about something you’ve read here in this Retirement Lifestyle Strategies blog? E-mail me with your feedback using the “Email Dee” link in the box you’ll find at the top of the right column on every page. Depending on the topic, I’ll… [Continue reading] Have a comment or question?
Are you really ready to retire?
If you have a good pension fund or 401(k), you may think you are financially ready to retire. If you feel underappreciated and overworked in your current job or long to spend more time with those you love, you may feel emotionally ready to retire. Know with certainty that you have prepared for the best… [Continue reading] Are you really ready to retire?
Selling a home in preparation for retirement
If you choose to relocate in retirement, you will have to sell your home. You need to prepare yourself for the wide range of emotions you will experience in this process: stress, worry, anger, hope, excitement, sadness, and disappointment. You are letting go and detaching emotionally from years of memories in the house you made… [Continue reading] Selling a home in preparation for retirement
Are you part of the latest retirement trend?
More and more retirees are choosing an urban environment for their retirement years. Because of the large number of people approaching retirement age in the next two decades, this could be the largest social trend of the early 21st century. The urban setting provides a wide array of entertainment possibilities, restaurants, experiences, and vistas. You… [Continue reading] Are you part of the latest retirement trend?
Which of these 3 choices will you make for WHERE to retire?
Where to live is one of the biggest choices you will make for your retirement years. Will you • Stay put? Continuing to live where you already live is often the best choice for many positive reasons. It can be the least expensive, least disruptive, and easiest decision you can make. While this might be… [Continue reading] Which of these 3 choices will you make for WHERE to retire?
Discussing when and where to retire
Every person who needs retirement coaching is facing a unique situation. However, all retirees eventually have to answer the questions when to retire and where to retire. When? Discuss or consider • Finances • How to find purpose outside of work • Creating opportunities for social interaction • Setting up a new daily structure •… [Continue reading] Discussing when and where to retire
7 tips as you consider retirement locations
Use these tips to narrow down your options for the perfect retirement location. 1. Talk with your partner about what would be ideal for each of you and then find your way to some kind of middle ground. Listen well and compromise when you’re having these conversations. Make sure you talk realistically about financial considerations.… [Continue reading] 7 tips as you consider retirement locations
Other things to consider in the “where to retire” equation
Here are some other “where will you retire?” considerations that need to be made. Some may require trade-offs between what you consider good and what is best. • Is the lifestyle “just right”—not too fast or too slow? • Will you fit the socioeconomics of the area? • Will the state’s lack of income tax… [Continue reading] Other things to consider in the “where to retire” equation
7 things to ask besides “where will you retire?”
Where to retire is second only to financial planning in the retirement issues one must consider for a successful retirement. While most people decide to retire in place in their family home, others are relocating for a variety of reasons. Ask yourself • Do I desire a permanent move or the option of change with… [Continue reading] 7 things to ask besides “where will you retire?”