I attended a lecture where Elizabeth and Charles Schmitz, a couple called the Marriage Doctors, talked about their book Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage. This book is based on 25 years of research where they interviewed couples all over the world who had been married for at least 30 years. They asked… [Continue reading] What helps a marriage last?
dee cascio
How to sustain an attraction to your partner for life
Men and women are attracted to each other for many reasons. Some of the factors of attraction are looks, chemistry, intelligence, the ability to laugh and have fun, kindness, and dependability. Some people have a part within themselves that is dormant, and they try to find that complementary part in their partner. This helps to… [Continue reading] How to sustain an attraction to your partner for life
Is this a valid reason to do nothing on Valentine’s Day?
I overheard a man say he wasn’t going to buy his wife anything for Valentine’s Day because he shows her that he loves and appreciates her every day. Is this a valid reason or simply an excuse to avoid the Valentine’s Day madness?
What do I need for a successful retirement?
Finances and location are big factors in retirement decision-making. However, other lifestyle choices need to be considered in pre-retirement planning. Many of these are often overlooked. By taking a more holistic approach, we will be prepared as we move toward a very important stage in life. These considerations are all the more significant, given that… [Continue reading] What do I need for a successful retirement?
What does the word retirement mean to you?
When most people hear the word retirement, they think of financial planning and choosing where they will live. Both of these issues are very important. We must have a sound financial plan in order to face the future with confidence and to know when we will be ready to retire. Some of us may need… [Continue reading] What does the word retirement mean to you?
How many baby boomers are there?
Baby boomers—those born between 1946 and 1964—are receiving more and more attention. For example, at the International Coach Federation Conference, held in 2006, an entire day was devoted to retirement, complete with a specially selected panel of speakers. According to the AARP, 78 million baby boomers will turn 60 by 2024. Until that time,… [Continue reading] How many baby boomers are there?
What do you call people born between the 1946 and 1964?
We were originally labeled the Baby-boomers, now we’re called Elder-boomers or even the Age Wave. Regardless of what we are called, our generation is entering the retirement years with a vision and vitality much different than those generations that have preceded us. We are envisioning these years as an adventurous and exciting time. In fact,… [Continue reading] What do you call people born between the 1946 and 1964?
Retirement planning: where to live
Couples sometimes disagree about where to live permanently or where to buy a second home and these differences may create conflict. As the time nears to make a decision, an impasse may develop without warning. I know of several couples who have struggled with this decision and my husband and I are one of them.… [Continue reading] Retirement planning: where to live
How to have a healthy relationship even when you and your partner are opposites
You know the old saying, “Opposites attract one another.” Introverts often attract extroverts, early birds attract night owls, a serious person might be attracted to a partner who is funny, and an intellectual may be attracted to someone who is emotionally expressive. During the course of a relationship, a healthy couple deepens their • Love • Commitment… [Continue reading] How to have a healthy relationship even when you and your partner are opposites
Retirement planning: is your marriage or relationship ready for retirement?
It is complicated and challenging enough to think about retirement for yourself. It is even more challenging for couples to work through the many complex retirement needs that are unique to living with a spouse or partner. To have a successful retirement, each person in the relationship needs to be able to • Plan thoughtfully • Communicate… [Continue reading] Retirement planning: is your marriage or relationship ready for retirement?