My parents passed along a legacy of hard work and community service. They also modeled financial responsibility and the importance of family and friends, especially during the holidays and on special occasions. Our faith also gave us a sense of community and instilled good values.
They passed down the following principles:
• It is important to get a good education no matter what sacrifices you have to make.
• Family is very important so never neglect those relationships.
• As a parent and spouse, do whatever it takes to support your family.
• Be dependable and reliable so that your loved ones know that they can always count on you.
• Develop a strong work ethic while nurturing the gifts of perseverance, commitment, flexibility, and patience.
• Integrate the positive values and standards you learned as a child with what you have learned as an adult.
• Give of yourself to your community as much as possible.
• Make your career your calling so that it truly reflects who you really are.
• Through tough economic times, you do what you have to do to survive, even if it means that both parents have to work.
My challenge to you: consider what legacies were passed down to you and what you are passing down to your children and future generations. Write them down. If you inherited any negative legacies, decide how you will change those in your lifetime so you can leave behind a legacy you can be proud of.
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